A method and apparatus for estimating a state parameter in a nonlinear discrete
time system are provided. The method for estimating a state parameter has the steps
of (a) predicting a state parameter at a current time using an estimated state
parameter at a previous time and a system dynamics; and (b) estimating an optimal
state parameter at the current time from the state parameter predicted in the step
(a) and a system output parameter measured at the current time, using a geometric
data fusion method. Since the method and apparatus for estimating a state parameter
have an excellent estimation performance particularly when nonlinearity is great
or the error in an estimated initial value is big, the method and apparatus solve
many problems, which cannot be solved by the conventional extended Kalman filter,
and more improve the performance of estimating a state parameter, by analyzing
the system characteristic and then appropriately utilizing constraints such as
the operation range of the state parameter.