A wireless communication protocol for print by reference operations initiated
a portable wireless device. The protocol allows a portable wireless device, such
as a handheld personal digital assistant, to initiate a print job with a printer
by indicating the nature of the communication as a print by reference operation
and identifying a location including print content. The protocol is preferably
used as the body of an Object Exchange (OBEX) packet in a Bluetooth RF communication
initiated by the portable wireless device with a Bluetooth capable print device,
e.g., a printer or multi-function peripheral with a print capability. A preferred
embodiment of the wireless communication protocol uses the body of an OBEX packet
communicated by Bluetooth RF to include a tag identifying a packet body as being
a packet body for a print by reference operation and a location identifying the
location of the print content. With a preferred extensible mark-up language format,
the location comprises an attribute. Additional attributes may, for example, include
attributes enabling security clearance, billing identifications, use of supporting
print services, and identification of alternate locations for targeted print content.