Nitrosylation of proteins and amino acid groups enables selective regulation
of protein function, and also endows the proteins and amino acids with additional
smooth muscle relaxant and platelet inhibitory capabilities. Thus, the invention
relates to novel compounds achieved by nitrosylation of protein thiols. Such compounds
include: S-nitroso-heme proteins, S-nitroso-t-PA, S-nitroso-cathepsin; S-nitroso-lipoproteins;
and S-nitroso-immunoglobulins. The invention also relates to therapeutic use if
S-nitroso-protein compounds for regulating protein function, cellular metabolism
and effecting vasodilation, platelet inhibition, relaxation of non-vascular smooth
muscle, and increasing blood oxygen transport by hemoglobin and myoglobin. The
compounds are also used to deliver nitric oxide in its most bioactive form in order
to achieve the effects described above, or for in vitro nitrosylation of molecules
present in the body. The invention also relates to the nitrosylation of oxygen,
carbon and nitrogen moieties present on proteins and amino acids, and the use thereof
to achieve the above physiological effects.