An ATM—InfiniBand router is configured for interfacing between
asynchronous transmission mode (ATM) network and an InfiniBand network,
without a necessity of intermediate transport on a packet based network such as
an Internet Protocol (IP) network. The router includes an ATM processor and a host
channel adapter. The ATM processor is configured for generating ATM cells streams
based on received InfiniBand packets, and recovering InfiniBand
packet data from received ATM cells. The host channel adapter is configured for
receiving the InfiniBand packets from the InfiniBand network and providing
at least the payload data to the ATM processor, and outputting the recovered InfiniBand
packet data onto the InfiniBand network. In addition, the ATM processor
and the host channel adapter may be configured for mapping the ATM cells and the
InfiniBand packets on prescribed virtual circuits and prescribed InfiniBand
connections, respectively. Hence, the ATM—InfiniBand router operates
as a call connection handler, enabling connections to be established across ATM
and InfiniBand networks.