A non-note reading methodology developed for the instant ability of lay people/students to use any keyboard instrument to play notes combined with cardinal numbers (1-8). They can instantly play melodies/choral parts. The notes of the scale are numbered from 1-8 according to their sequential position in the diatonic scale. Accidentals are identified by their usual symbols (#,b) and explained as closest note to right and closest note to the left, respectively. Naturals would appear in their naturally occurring 1-8 position. Notes in melodies that extend into another octave, higher or lower, are indicated by + or -, respectively, continuing the 1-8 or 8-1 sequence, depending on direction. Keyboards are all built on the diatonic scale principle of whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, whole step, half step; all playing takes place in the key of C. This does not preclude the ability to play in the key written if electronic instruments are used with a transposition key.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Guitar-like musical instrument with a neck-body connecting assembly

< Electronic sheet music display device

> Automatic generation of musical scratching effects

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~ 00260