The present invention provides a data access ring. The data access ring has a plurality of attached processor units (APUs) and a local store associated with each APU. The data access ring has a data command ring, coupled to the plurality of APUs. The data command ring is employable to carry indicia of a selection of one of the plurality of APUs to the APUs. The data access ring also has a data address ring, coupled to the plurality of APUs. The data address ring is further employable to carry indicia of a memory location to the selected APU a predetermined number of clock cycles after the data command ring carries the indicia of the selection of one of the plurality of APUs. The data access ring also has a data transfer ring, coupled to the plurality of APUs. The data transfer ring is employable to transfer data to or from the memory location associated with the APU a predetermined number of clock cycles after the data address ring carries the indicia of the memory location to the selected APU.


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~ 00260