A SpeedWriter program of this invention that upon loaded into a PDA, cell phone,
tablet PC, or other computer processor, the loads lists of words, phrases and special
characters on disk or memory in the computer that we will refer to as a dictionary.
To get to the word, the user must search through the dictionary. SpeedWriter uses
the editing functions of the system by treating SpeedWriter input as combinations
of keyboard strokes and of a pointing device. SpeedWriter can accommodate a word,
phrase, and whole sections of text rather than just characters. SpeedWriter can
use dictionaries of common phrases and include algorithms to constantly update
a user's frequently used groups of words. that involves quickly scanning an internal
dictionary and providing text or word options based upon selected alphanumeric
sets, and further narrowing the sets of characters until the desired text is selected
and also a family of devices with this method programmed there within.