An improved torch igniter for use in devices such as thrust augmenters, gas turbine
engines, ramjets, combined-cycle engines and industrial burners. The torch igniter
includes a housing with a combustion chamber. Fuel and oxidizer are delivered into
the combustion chamber and ignited by an electronic ignition source, such as a
plasma jet igniter or a spark igniter, so that an upstream recirculation zone and
a downstream recirculation zone are created. The upstream recirculation zone stabilizes
and pilots combustion within the combustion chamber, while the downstream recirculation
zone augments the combustion event. Byproducts of the combustion event within the
torch igniter provide a high mass flux with high thermal energy and strong ignition
source radicals that are discharged through a neck portion of the housing and are
thereafter employed to initiate a primary combustion event in a primary combustor.