It is an object of the invention to provide an advantageous method to process
a SAS Application Service request. An inventive method to process a SAS Application
Service request includes the steps of: performing an Inbound Message Analysis,
performing a Service Decision, performing an Outbound Message Synthesis, wherein
the Inbound Message Analysis includes an Application Specific Inbound Protocol
Check, an NoAI (Nature of Address Indicator) Analysis and an Inbound Digit Analysis,
wherein the Service Decision includes a Database Search and an Application Specific
Evaluation of Database Search Indications, and wherein the Outbound Message Synthesis
includes generating an Output Digit String making use of an application specific
Output Digit String Configuration Table, which includes the parameter SAS Application
Service Id and at least one of the following parameters: Output Digit String Id,
Auxiliary Number Name, Nature of Address Indicator, Auxiliary Number Presence,
Auxialiary Number Position.