A rule-based system and method for querying scale-free social networks for solving problems based on problem criteria is disclosed. The rule-based system may be facilitated by a computer-based system. The rule-based system will enable the effective and efficient use of the human-to-human interactions of experts and knowledgeable individuals to obtain solutions to all types of problems. The entity desiring a solution to a problem will interact with scale-free social networks using the rule-based system. The rule-based system will be used to define the parameters of the problem and provide these parameters to individuals who agree to participate in attempting to reach a solution to the problem. Facilitated by a computer-based system using a global communications network, such as the Internet, the entity seeking a problem solution will contact individuals who are believed to have the solution to the problem. The first individual from whom the solution is sought will receive the question over the Internet. That individual may take one of three actions upon receipt of the question. The first is to answer the question, the second is to forward the question to another entity for answering, and the third is to reject the question. Each selection will have a different effect on the process for finding a solution to the problem.

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~ 00262