A programmable electronic time harmonic therapeutic and research device used in stimulating living human and other living tissue. This invention consists of a portable, electronic apparatus, multiple types of stimulus delivery, multiple methods of stimulus delivery, electromagnetic, electric and other manner of emitters, and multiple emitter housing apparatus. Electric and electromagnetic and other manner of stimulation may be used in a complex of ways for therapeutic and research purposes. Conditioning and learning methods, principles and techniques, are incorporated into settings for tissue stimulation sessions for the re-conditioning and re-learning of conditioned and maladaptive responses. This invention is, in part, designed for the entrainment of neurons as a part of the therapeutic effect. The size and portability of this device makes it suitable for patient and enthusiast home use, as well as practitioner office, and research facility. It is used for a multiplicity of purposes, including mental and physical health concerns, meditation, self-improvement, and a broad base of living tissue stimulation research.

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< Suture anchor

< Ultrasound device and method of use

> Delivery of therapeutic capable agents

> Ostial stent

~ 00262