A low cost, accurate, single use, disposable, iontophoretic fluid delivery device
having cationic and anionic chambers separated by container structure and arranged
to promote a flow of treatment ions into a body. The device desirably uses rugged
minibatteries safely to provide increased electromotive force to the ion transfer
process compared to galvanic cells having electrolyte matched to a human body's
electrolyte. Minibatteries may be located in one or both cationic and anionic chambers,
and/or attached to structure of a container outside the chambers. A shunt resistance
may be arranged in a parallel circuit to the body to control delivery of a beneficial
agent in any amount between 1 mAmp-min to 500 mAmp-min, or more. Substrates, located
in the chambers and adapted to hold electrolyte or treatment drugs, may be electrically
conductive to resist polarization of the chemicals near a conducting terminal.
Cationic and anionic chambers may be made having different sizes and/or shapes
to facilitate placement of treatment drugs into the correct chamber.