A method of, system for, and product for managing a denial of service attack in a multiprocessor environment comprising. The first step is establishing normal traffic usage baselines in the multiprocessor environment. Once the baseline is established the next step is monitoring outgoing traffic to detect a high proportion of packets being sent to a specific destination address, and a high number of outbound packets compared to said baseline. Next is monitoring ports and protocols to detect a high proportion of packets sent to a specific port, and a consistent use of a protocol for all packets for that port. If there is such consistent use of a protocol for all packets for that port as to evidence a denial of service attack, blocking measures are started to mitigate the apparent denial of service attack.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Data-driven media guide

< Tuning product policy using observed evidence of customer behavior

> Method to prevent denial of service attack on persistent TCP connections

> Isolated computing environment anchored into CPU and motherboard

~ 00262