An intelligent telephone network provides personalized communication services based on a voice identification of the subscriber. The network executes a speech processing operation to identify the person or a party that the person is calling as a known subscriber. The network can provide personalized services to several subscribers sharing a common line. For incoming calls to such a line, the network executes an interactive procedure to determine from the caller which subscriber is being called. If the line is free, the switch applies distinctive ringing. If the line is in use, the switching office uses the profile of the identified subscriber to provide a distinctive call waiting tone or a voice message over the line. The tone or voice message indicates to the party using the line that there is a call waiting and specifically identifies the called subscriber.


< Method and apparatus enabling a calling telephone handset to choose a ringing indication(s) to be played and/or shown at a receiving telephone handset

< Incoming call indicator

> System and method for identifying a callee of an incoming telephone call

> Call forwarding methods and apparatus

~ 00263