A method for the production of cement clinker comprises the introduction of non-traditional materials into the kiln, preferably at a mid-kiln locations. The non-traditional materials are materials that are difficult, expensive or environmentally challenging for disposal. In one embodiment, weathered clinker is introduced into the kiln to admix with the raw material mix to augment clinker production. In another embodiment, bird, animal or human manure is added to the kiln so that gaseous reducing agents can be released by the manure and combine with certain noxious gases generated during the clinker production, to thereby reduce the noxious gas output. In other embodiments, other non-traditional waste-derived fuels are added to the kiln during clinker production, including railroad ties coated with creosote, industrial, commercial and consumer rubber components, such as rubber hoses, unshredded plastics, and organic materials, such as bird and animal meal.

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