A novel bipolar, multi-dimensional diagrammatic structure and related
method for eliciting, organizing, analyzing, formulating, comparing,
contrasting and communicating data pertaining to verbal-visual constructs
within a research topic. Said invention serves as a quantitative means to
structure literal, symbolic, familiar and preferred bipolar referential
connections dealing with specific representational verbal and visual
stimuli. Use of the invention provides insight, understanding and
guidance to identify the most appropriate verbal-visual attitude
construct necessary to guide the expression of a company's identity that
will resonate with target consumers' perceptions and values. Said
identity includes, but is not limited to, the design of elements such as
products, packaging, logos, graphic elements, marketing communications,
retail environments, Internet websites and advertising campaigns. The
invention structures adjectives, images and sounds within a bipolar
geometric semantic space in a novel manner that forms multiple layers of
associations between form and meaning. Said semantic space is one of
maximum efficiency as the bipolar adjective axes, bipolar character zones
and bipolar individual adjectives are universally fundamental sets that
apply to any concept and thereby exhaust the dimensionality of the space.
This invention functions in a new and unique manner to define, formulate,
guide, measure, illustrate and communicate multi-dimensional
verbal-visual relationships and attitude constructs.