A method and system for processing an image recorded by an imaging device may
a) providing an image having an array of adjacent elements each corresponding to
a respective part of the image and having a respective intensity value associated
therewith; b) processing the intensity values to determine an intensity contrast
value for each respective element according to differences in intensity values
between respective adjacent elements; c) determining a depth value for each element
corresponding to the distance between the imaging device and at least part of an
image forming object represented in the image by the respective element; d) processing
the depth values to determine a depth contrast value for each respective element
according to differences in depth values between respective adjacent elements;
and, processing the intensity contrast values and depth contrast values to identify
at least one area of the image corresponding to one or more respective objects
in the image being processed. The last noted process step can be a non-linear diffusion
process whereby variations in grey level values are diffused in regions corresponding
to objects or background and enhanced in regions corresponding to object boundaries.