The present invention includes a high lignan concentrate (3% to 5% or greater) flax seed product, and product by process, which can be produced by 1) supplying a uniformly colored quantity of flax seeds with less than 5 percent visually darker seeds; 2) milling the selected seeds of a visually uniform color; 3) sifting the milled selected seeds into a second portion and a third portion using a preferred screen size from US# 12 up to an including US #18; 4) selecting the coarser fraction of the sifted, milled flax meal and aspirating it into a fourth lighter density portion and a fifth coarser portion, wherein the fourth lighter portion contains the valuable high lignan concentrate. As an added advantage, the high lignan flax seed meal can include approximately 40-50% insoluble dietary fiber and 50-60% soluble dietary fiber.


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