Systems, methods, and computer-readable media process computer input data (such as electronic ink data, speech input data, keyboard input data, etc.), including focus change data, in a manner so that the input insertion range better comports with the user's original intent. More specifically, user input data may be accepted, before, during, and/or after a focus change event is initiated, and the systems and methods will process this input data in an intuitive manner, directing the data to areas of an application program or the operating system that better comport with the user's original intent. In this manner, loss of input data may be avoided and misdirected input data may be avoided, thereby lowering user frustration during focus change events.


< Facilitating target acquisition by expanding targets

< Multiple-mode window presentation system and process

> Method and apparatus for reducing the effects of hot spots in cache memories

> Techniqes for super fast buffer insertion

~ 00265