A method is disclosed for operating a synchronous space division multiple access,
code division multiple access communications system. The method operates, within
a coverage area of a base station (BS) or radio base unit (RBU) having a multi-element
antenna array, for estimating a SSV for individual ones of a plurality of active
subscriber stations (SSs) and assigns a spreading code to a subscriber station
(SS) that minimizes the similarity of the determined SSVs of the SSs in a spreading
code set. A metric used to measure the similarity of the spatial signature vectors
of the SSs comprises the squared sum of the inner products of same code SSs' SSV
with a current SS's SSV. The step of assigning includes calculating the magnitude
of the squared inner product of the SSVs of all pairs of active SSs; using the
calculated values for determining n(c) for each spreading code
that is not already used some specified maximum number of times; and assigning
to a SS the spreading code with a minimum n(c).