A combination multi-media interactive game and video infomercial enables a seller of merchandise to combine an advertising infomercial with a player and/or participant's playing of an interactive game. Preferably, the game is a step-by-step strategic or random game, whereby a player and/or participant starts at an opening starting point and proceeds from one decision point to another. When a player comes to a decision point in the game, they are required to select a product from a group of products that is suitable for the next task that the player must accomplish to advance in the game. This requires that the player research each of the products, thereby acquiring knowledge of the same, and retain the knowledge for later application in the game through selection of the correct product for each task in the game. As the players successfully make their way through the game, they amass point, product discounts, coupons, etc. that can be applied toward the purchase of the products.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Method of playing single or multiple hand twenty-one card game

< Network architecture for secure communications between two console-based gaming systems

> Throwing disc toy

> Distributed secrets for validation of gaming transactions

~ 00265