A non-corrosive, liquid, aqueous sterilant composition (as a concentrate
or ready-to-use solution), which may be provided in two parts which are
mixed prior to application, may comprise a peracid (in an equilibrium
solution with an underlying carboxylic acid or mixtures of alkyl
carboxylic acids and peroxide), inorganic buffering agent, and water. It
has been found that the use of this simplified system, even in the
absence of additional components which have been thought to be desirable
for sterilants used on metal parts (e.g., copper and brass corrosion
inhibitors, chelating agents, anti-corrosive agents) display excellent
performance and that these additional components are not necessary, and
that the presence of these additional materials at least complicates
disposal of the spent solutions and could complicate compatibility of the
sterilant solutions with some polymeric materials, especially where
organic materials are used as the additional components, which organic
materials may interact with, dissolve or solubilize in the polymeric