The invention relates to a plain bearing composite material provided with
a metallic support layer, optionally with a porous carrier layer applied
thereto, and with a lead-free sliding layer, which forms a sliding
partner and whose sliding layer material is based on plastic. The aim of
the invention is to provide a plain bearing composite material that has a
long serviceable life when used a high temperatures. To this end the
sliding layer material comprises PEEK as a matrix forming plastic
constituent, a lubricant provided in the form of zinc sulfide, a
hardening constituent provided in the form of titanium dioxide, and
additionally comprises carbon fibers. The weight percentage proportion of
the lubricant and of the hardening constituent with regard to the mass of
the sliding layer material ranges from 5 to 15% by weight, and the
lubricant and the hardening constituent are provided in the form of fine
particles having a particle size D50-value of no greater than 500 nm.