A universal integrated set-top box is implemented on single semiconductor substrate. The set-top box includes video and audio baseband functions on the common substrate. The set-top box is a universal set-top box chip that can process and demodulate multiple different types of inputs including satellite, cable, Internet, or other device inputs. This can be accomplished because the set-top box does not have a specific tuner integrated on the substrate, and therefore can take generic down-converted inputs, e.g. MPEG packets. In other words, an external tuner/decoder (of any type) can be connected to the set-top box input for processing, including for example, a satellite tuner, cable tuner, or any other type of tuner/decoder that can produce digital outputs (e.g. MPEG packets) for further processing in a set-top box. The set-top box also includes Ethernet and USB connections so as to receive inputs from other set-top boxes, Internet device, or other devices, with similar types of connections.

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~ 00269