This invention relates to a process for using computerized molecular
interaction modeling to predict the adhesive interactions between a
substrate and a polymer. The molecular modeling method may be used to
predict and select optimal adhesion promoting monomers for use in latex
polymer coatings, providing the best wet adhesion to alkyd-coated
substrates. The molecular modeling method could also predict substrate
polymer pairs having the least affinity, and thus the most useful as a
release liner. The method involves the steps of: a) identifying
interacting chemical segments on both the surface and the polymer; b)
generating models of the interacting segments, said models describing the
spatial relationship of each atom in the segment and the connectivity
between the atoms; c) merging the models of each surface segment with
each polymer segment to describe each possible interacting
surface/polymer pair; d) generating several hundred random configurations
for each surface/polymer pair merged models, by choosing random values
for the six spatial variables, that describe the relative orientations of
two objects; e) optimizing the atomic coordinates of each surface/polymer
segment interaction model by calculating the minimum of the molecular
potential energy; f) computing the pair interaction energy for each
merged model pair; g) averaging the pair interaction energies; and h)
comparing the average pair interaction energies of each surface/polymer
pair to choose the best pair for the intended application.