A liquid crystal display device includes cell wall structure and a chiral
nematic liquid crystal material. The cell wall structure and the liquid
crystal cooperate to form focal conic and twisted planar textures that
are stable in the absence of a field. A device applies an electric field
to the liquid crystal for transforming at least a portion of the material
to at least one of the focal conic and twisted planar textures. The
liquid crystal material has a pitch length effective to reflect radiation
having a wavelength in both the visible and the infrared ranges of the
electromagnetic spectrum at intensity that is sufficient for viewing by
an observer. One liquid crystal material may be disposed in a single
region or two or more liquid crystal materials may be used, each in
separate regions even without the infrared reflecting layer. One aspect
of the invention is directed to a photolithography method for patterning
a substrate of the display. The display may also have multicolor
capabilities by including separate layers of at least two or three liquid
crystal materials that reflect visible light. A full color stacked
display may be produced with grey scale capabilities.