A wireless communications mobile station (10) includes at least one
antenna (240) and a RF transceiver (210,220) containing a direct
conversion receiver (1) coupled to the antenna. The direct conversion
receiver contains a low noise amplifier (3) for amplifying a received RF
signal and for outputting the amplified RF signal to a current switching
down-conversion mixer (4). The down-conversion mixer has a first input
node for receiving the amplified RF signal, a second input node for
receiving a local oscillator (LO) signal for mixing with the amplified RF
signal and an output node coupled to an input of an operational amplifier
forming a low pass filter (5A). In accordance with an aspect of this
invention the low pass filter has a low pass pole generated by a resistor
R and a capacitor C coupled in parallel in a feedback path of the
operational amplifier, where a low pass comer frequency of the low pass
filter is inversely proportional to the product of R and C. In a
preferred embodiment at least the down-conversion mixer and the low pass
filter are implemented as part of an integrated circuit, and the resistor
and the capacitor are fabricated within the integrated circuit.