Metric calculation design for variable code rate decoding of broadband
trellis, TCM (trellis coded modulated), or TTCM (turbo trellis coded
modulation). A single design can accommodate a large number of code rates
by multiplexing the appropriate paths within the design. By controlling
where to scale for any noise of a received symbol within a received
signal, this adaptable design may be implemented in a manner that is very
efficient in terms of performance, processing requirements (such as
multipliers and gates), as well as real estate consumption. In supporting
multiple code rates, appropriately selection of the coefficients of the
various constellations employed, using the inherent redundancy and
symmetry along the I and Q axes, can result in great savings of gates
borrowing upon the inherent redundancy contained therein; in addition, no
subtraction (but only summing) need be performed when capitalizing on
this symmetry.