The system for interconnecting circuit-based terminal devices with
packet-based terminal devices in a voice communication connection
(packet-based terminal device addressing system) provides service
capabilities that allow a calling party to address packet-based terminal
devices without consuming telephone numbers. In this case, the calling
party, using a circuit-based terminal device such as a traditional
telephone or video telephone, initiates a call to a called party, using
the called party's telephone number. The packet-based terminal device
addressing system presumes that the owner of the packet-based terminal
device also owns a circuit-based terminal device and therefore reuses the
point of presence address of the circuit-based terminal device (telephone
number) for the packet-based terminal device. The packet-based terminal
device addressing system employs the use of a plurality of existing
systems, such as VXML, ASR, residential gateways and directory services,
to locate and connect to the called party's packet-based terminal device.