A new and distinct cultivar of black cherry tree (Prunus serotina Ehrh) which is distinctly characterized by extremely rapid growth rate, strong central stem tendency, excellent straightness, and insect and disease resistance, thereby producing excellent timber qualities, the trait of commercial interest. This new variety of black cherry tree was discovered by the applicant near West Lafayette, Tippecanoe County, Ind., in a black cherry planting. This selection has been designated as CH 5 in records maintained by the applicant on the performance of this selection and grafts made from the selection, and will be known hereafter as `AFTC-1`.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Climbing shrub rose plant named `Meiviowit`

< Chrysanthemum plant named `Golden Surfer`

> Azalea plant name `Pink Angora`

> Monarda plant named `Coral Reef`

~ 00272