A wing is presented that unfolds in a chordwise direction upon the launch of its aircraft at some velocity as it is projected into the air or launched from a moving craft at altitude. The wing is made up of two or more stiff, upper segments including the leading edge with foam used to complete the underneath wing shape. The foam is covered with a film of plastic or composite material to makeup the underneath shape of the wing as supported by the foam. The foam can be pressurized to enhance its final shape in support of the underneath film. The upper segments are joined by hinges using twisted, staked pins to provide force for the desired wing unfolding. Aerodynamic forces also enhance the unfolding motion. The wing can be used on a craft to be deployed at higher air speeds than any other type of folding wing of comparable stowing efficiency.

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< Multimodal, deployable vehicle

< Active protection device and associated apparatus, system, and method

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~ 00272