A Multiservice Access Concentrator (MAC) is provided that provides fault
tolerant permanent voice calls in a voice over packet-data-network system
(VOPS). The MAC sets up at least one permanent voice call by coupling a
number of nodes in series using a voice-over-packet protocol and a set of
primary connection bindings. Furthermore, at least one set of alternate
connection bindings are defined for the permanent voice call. At least
one preference-based list is generated comprising the sets of alternate
connection bindings. Each node operating with the voice-over-packet
protocol is capable of determining at least one out-of-service state for
the node. A failure of at least one of the series nodes is detected by
the node. A reconnection relationship is established between nodes on
either side of a node determined to be out of service. The permanent
voice call connection is automatically re-established or reconnected
using at least one alternate node. The permanent voice call of an
embodiment is transmitted over a Frame Relay network in accordance with a
standard comprising a Frame Relay Forum FRF.11 Implementation Agreement.