Moisture absorbing efficiency of excrement is enhanced by providing a high
degree of porosity and a high porosity ratio to a hydraulic granulated
body and a non-hydraulic granulated body in a method of manufacturing a
granulated body for absorbing excrement of animals. There is provided a
method of manufacturing a granulated body for absorbing excrement of
animals, characterized in that dry bamboo fibers and wood fibers are used
as a chief material. The dry bamboo fibers and wood fibers are mixed with
each other while adding moisture thereto and the dry bamboo fibers are
allowed to absorb the moisture. The resultant is granulated to form a wet
granulated body, hot air is blown to the wet granulated body, and the
moisture absorbed in the dry bamboo fiber is transpired outward through
the wet granulated body by the hot air. A porous structure in the dry
bamboo fibers in the wet granulated body is produced by the transpiration
due to formation of transpiring paths in the wet granulated body.