An optical code-division multiple-access (O-CDMA) apparatus, network, and
communications method. A transmitter data modulates a sequence of
ultra-fast (.about.1 ps) pulses. An encoder wavelength demultiplexes the
pulses, separately phase-modulates the wavelength components according to
a first CDMA code and wavelength multiplexes for transmission on an
optical network. A receiver includes a decoder performing similar
demultiplexing, phase-modulating according to a second CDMA code, and
multiplexing. The receiver detects the resultant signal. If the two CDMA
codes match, the detected signal replicates the data-modulated pulses.
The apparatus may be formed in as few as one substrate. The
encoder/decoder structure may be used to compensate the dispersion of a
fiber. A short-pulse detector includes a Mach-Zehnder interferometer
having two semiconductor amplifier regions in its two arms with
differential delay/phase between them. A probe signal and the signal to
be detected are both split into the arms together and thereafter
differenced on the output.