An isolated polarization beam splitter or combiner, for joining light from
different inputs into one common port, and for dividing a beam of light
into orthogonal polarizations. In both modes of operation, the
splitter/combiner provides isolation preventing transmission of light in
a reverse direction. As a splitter, a beam of light is separated through
a birefringent material into sub-beams of orthogonal polarization
components, and each sub-beam is passed through a non-reciprocal
polarization rotator to rotate the polarization so that a reflected beam,
or other counter-transmitted light cannot return on the same path through
the birefringent material to the source. As a combiner, two separate
beams of light are launched with known orthogonal polarizations into a
first birefringent material, passed through a non-reciprocal polarization
rotator and then combined as orthogonal polarizations into a single
output port.