A database search system that retrieves multimedia information in a flexible, user friendly system. The search system uses a multimedia database consisting of text, picture, audio and animated data. That database is searched through multiple graphical and textual entry paths. Those entry paths include an idea search, a title finder search, a topic tree search, a picture explorer search, a history timeline search, a world atlas search, a researcher's assistant search, and a feature articles search.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Software development tool employing workflows for developing user interactive programs

< Architecture for automated analysis and design with read only structure

> Text indexing system to index, query the archive database document by keyword data representing the content of the documents and by contact data associated with the participant who generated the document

> Medical image service method, medical software service method, medical image central management server apparatus, medical software central management server apparatus, medical image service system and medical software service system

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