Reed-Solomon encoders providing support for multiple codes in a simple
architecture having a reduced number of Galois field multipliers. Rather
than implementing n subfilters each representing an individual degree
polynomial filter as in conventional Reed-Solomon encoder, multiple
degree polynomials are factored in a way which is convenient to a desired
plurality of Reed-Solomon codes. Thus, not only are the number of
required Galois field multipliers reduced, but support for different
Reed-Solomon codes is provided with a minimized number of Galois field
multipliers. Preferred embodiments in compliance with the proposed
802.16.1 wireless standard support up to sixteen Reed-Solomon codes all
within a single architecture, including sixteen subfilters, either
cascaded or in parallel. Each of the individual filters balances and
reduces critical path lengths in the Reed-Solomon encoder, and reduces
the loading of critical nets, resulting in a Reed-Solomon encoder with a
greater throughput for a given technology.