An eddy current sensor and a method for detecting the thickness of a film
formed on a substrate. The eddy current sensor, which is capable of
stable operation, is operable to accurately detect a polishing endpoint.
The eddy current sensor detects the thickness of a conductive film from a
change in an eddy current loss generated in the conductive film. The eddy
current sensor comprises a sensor coil for generating an eddy current in
the conductive film, and an active element unit connected to the sensor
coil for oscillating a variable frequency corresponding to the eddy
current loss. The sensor coil and active element unit are integrated to
form the eddy current sensor. Alternatively, the eddy current sensor
comprises a sensor coil for generating an eddy current in the conductive
film, and a detector for detecting a change in the thickness of the
conductive film from a change in a resistance component in an impedance
formed by the sensor coil and conductive film.