Disclosed is a method of manipulating the rate of upper gastrointestinal
transit of a substance in a mammal. Also disclosed are methods of
manipulating satiety and post-prandial visceral blood flow. A method of
treating visceral pain or visceral hypersensitivity in a human subject is
also described. A method for prolonging the residence time of an orally
or enterally administered substance by promoting its dissolution,
bioavailability and/or absorption in the small intestine is also
described. These methods are related to a method of transmitting to and
replicating at a second location in the central nervous system a
serotonergic neural signal originating at a first location in the
proximal or distal gut of a mammal and/or a method of transmitting to and
replicating at a second location in the upper gastrointestinal tract a
serotonergic neural signal originating at a first location in the
proximal or distal gut.