A folding knife includes a blade cavity defined by two liner plates into
which a pivotal blade may reside. The blade, which is pivotally attached
to liner plates at a pivot point, includes a tang having a recess that is
parallel to the sides of the blade. A rod is pivotally secured to the
blade within the recess. A spring is secured to either or both liner
plates at one end and to the rod at the other end so that a pulling
action is applied to the blade. The rod is attached to the blade with
respect to the pivot point so that the action of the spring forces the
blade into the blade cavity until the blade is rotated from the cavity
past a critical point of angular displacement, after which the spring
forces the blade to its fully open position.The invention further
includes a variety of locking arrangements which ensure that once the
blade reaches its fully open position, the blade will remain there until
the user desires to close it.