A plasma reformer for the chemical reforming of gaseous mixtures of water
and hydrocarbon fuels for producing hydrogen. The reformer contains a
reaction chamber with outer lateral walls containing emitter electrodes
and inner lateral walls containing collector electrodes. The emitter
electrodes and collector electrodes form an electric circuit. There are a
multiplicity of thin needle-like extrusions on the emitter electrode from
which a profusion of high energy electrons are emitted. These high-energy
electrons dissociate the hydrocarbon fuel through absorption and
ionization emitting low energy electrons in the process. These low energy
electrons cause dissociation of water. Thus, dissociation of hydrocarbon
fuel acts to initiate dissociation of water. The molar ratio of water to
hydrocarbon fuel in the input mixture for reactions, and therefor the
production of hydrogen from water, increases with carbon number of the
hydrocarbon fuel.