Device of modular construction which permits the simultaneous or
not-simultaneous recording and characterization of solid and liquid
particles and gaseous components of engine exhaust gases on various test
supports, with only small or no modification of the test support. Methods
are based on individual or combined usage of laser scattering techniques,
laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, laser-induced ionization
spectroscopy, laser-induced atomic fluorescence spectroscopy,
IR-/VIS-/UV-laser absorption spectroscopy and laser-induced
incandescence. Use of individual or combined usage of such devices
permits the analysis of raw exhaust gas, the conditioned and/or treated
exhaust gases for monitoring and checking working pattern of engine,
individual components of exhaust gas treatment and/or total system on
test beds and on vehicle and can be used for control of motor and/or
exhaust components, such as catalysts and particle filters, on test beds
and in driven usage, e.g., in connection with, or as part of, on-board
diagnostic system.