A system and method is disclosed for providing an improved channel encoder
in a digital data communication system. In one advantageous embodiment
the invention comprises a channel encoder that comprises a first Turbo
encoder, an interleaver, and a second Turbo encoder. Data from a source
encoder is Turbo encoded in the first Turbo encoder, then interleaved,
and then Turbo encoded in the second Turbo encoder. The data is then
punctured and repeated in a symbol puncture and repetition unit. In an
alternate advantageous embodiment of the invention, the first and second
Turbo encoders are coupled in parallel. The data provided to one of the
Turbo encoders is interleaved. The outputs of the first and second Turbo
encoders are multiplexed and the result is provided to the symbol
puncture and repetition unit. The invention provides low packet error
rates when higher RF modulation is used.