The control unit comprises a printed circuit board on which is mounted a
plurality of components such as MOSFET transistors, in particular
components of the so-called SMD type; and a support of plastics material,
including a frame which has two opposite perimetral edges and from which
extends at least one external integral formation in the form of an
electric connector element in which are provided electrically conductive
connector terminals which have respective ends which extend partly into
the frame in a direction essentially orthogonal to the general plane of
the frame, towards the first perimetral edge of this latter. The frame
further has a support structure which extends into the frame between the
two said perimetral edges; first integral retainer formations operable to
hold the printed circuit board to the frame on a first side with respect
to the support structure close to the first perimetral edge of the frame;
and second integral retainer formations which extend from the support
structure and are directed away from the first perimetral edge, that is
towards the second perimetral edge of the frame and which retains at
least one independent electronic component provided with wire rheofores,
such as a capacitor, on the other side of the support structure. The
rheofores of this independent component and the ends of the terminals
extend towards, through and beyond the said printed circuit board and are
soldered to it on its face opposite the support structure.