The invention describes an Atmospheric Vortex Engine in which a
tornado-like convective vortex (37) is produced by admitting air
tangentially in the base of a cylindrical wall (1). The vortex is started
by heating the air within the circular wall (1) with fuel (83). The heat
required to sustain the vortex once established can be the naturally
occurring heat content of ambient air or can be provided in a peripheral
heat exchanger mean (61) located outside the circular wall. The heat
source for the peripheral exchanger mean can be waste industrial heat or
warm sea water. The preferred heat exchange mean is a crossflow wet
cooling tower (61). The mechanical energy is produced in a plurality of
peripheral turbines (21). A vortex engine could have a diameter of 400 m;
the vortex could be 100 m in diameter at its base and extend to a height
of 1 to 15 km; the power output could be in the 100 to 500 MW range. The
vortex process could also be used to produce precipitation to cool the
environment, or to clean or elevate polluted surface air.