A computer implemented method for modeling of faulting and fracturing uses
"small scale rules" to produce large-scale results. One part of the
method is a user interface for inputting deformations, preexisting faults
and fractures, and material rock properties. The second part of the
software is the code that solves the motion of each point or node in the
subsurface volume defined by the user interface. The model may be defined
in one of three modes: an aerial mode, in which the model is
2-dimensional with the material and a substrate on a horizontal plane; a
cross-sectional mode similar to the aerial mode except that the nodes are
in a vertical cross section and gravity is included in the model; and a
3-D model that is an extension into a third dimension of the 2-D model
and deformation may be applied to the bottom and four sides of the
material region.A modified over-relaxation approach, wherein the
over-relaxation is concentrated in those nodes where the greatest
movement occurs, is used to solve for the deformation. This significantly
speeds up the computation time. The model is "conditioned" to increase
the likelihood that the deformation pattern resulting from the simulation
of the deformation will at least duplicate an observed large-scale
deformation. As an aid to the simulation, an "anticipate" step provides a
quick solution to the deformation without including the effects of