The present invention, referred to as optoelectronic probe, concerns a
novel apparatus and method for characterization and micromanipulation of
particles or biomolecules in an electrolyte solution. Electric fields,
which include both time constant and time-varying components, are applied
to a thin insulating layer covered, lightly doped semiconductor material.
Illumination injects carriers into the insulator/semiconductor interface
to compensate the leaking minority carrier current and maintain an
inversion layer, which works as an electrode to control the particle
movements. A particle array, or even a single cell, can be assembled in,
or moved along with the inversion layer electrode, which is induced by
illumination. Furthermore, an impedance analyzer is utilized to
characterize the trapped particles, or single cell. The present invention
has numerous uses, such as bio-chemical analysis systems, and nanosize
structures assembly for electronic or optical devices.