A method of operating a display system in a vehicle (03) for finding a
suitable parking place (06) with at least one camera (01) with which an
observation area in the vicinity of the vehicle (03) can be recorded,
with an image processing unit in which the image data coming from a
camera (03) can be processed and a display screen (02) in the interior of
the vehicle on which the image data coming from the image processing unit
can be displayed as an image (07). A parking place symbol (08, 18, 20) is
superimposed by the image processing unit on the current image (07) on
the display screen (02), symbolizing true to scale an area in the current
image (07) which the vehicle (03) can reach in parking, starting from its
current position, taking into account the properties of the vehicle, in
particular the size of the vehicle and the maximum steering angle.