A fully automated raffle assembly (15) comprising a data collection device
(16) adapted to read information, a printer (18) communicating with the
data collection device and adapted to print a raffle ticket (19), the
printer and the data collection device so configured and arranged that
the information read by the data collection device is communicated to the
printer and printed on the ticket, a collection bin (20), the printer and
collection bin so configured and arranged that the ticket is
automatically fed into the collection bin after it is printed by the
printer. The data collection device may be selected from a group
consisting of a bar code scanner and a magnetic code scanner. The raffle
assembly may further comprise a ticket guide (21) between the printer and
the collection bin, the ticket guide configured to direct the ticket from
the printer into the collection bin. The raffle assembly may further
comprise a processor (22) with the data collection device and the printer
communicating through the processor.