The invention is an Internet access system that puts together
interactivity of the Internet and congestion-free content delivery
inherent in broadcast media in order to reduce delays in content
presentation. The system delivers any web object (web page, music file,
video etc.) in two steps. First, a single copy of object is downloaded
according to a standard Internet protocol into a server provided at a
broadcast center no matter how many client computers have requested the
object; then the copy is transmitted over a broadcast channel according
to a data broadcast protocol so that all clients could download it
simultaneously. A web object is transmitted as a flow of packets and the
transmission is preceded with an announcement specifying a broadcast
channel and a flow number. The packet header contains a flow number and a
destination address that could be a client address or a broadcast
address, thereby enabling an efficient handling of both one-to-one and
one-to-many transmissions. The system provides, when necessary, a
protection of transmitted content against unauthorized reception by
biding packets identity and transmitting packets of the same content over
different, pseudorandomly changing channels.